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Questionnaire on Training Needs – Assessment of competencies

Profile type:

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Current profile

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Target profile

Profile: Enter a file name here (e.g. name, position, date…)
Profile-Field must be filled in.

Current profile
Fulfilment degree

1 ... very good
2 ... good
3 ... satisfactory
4 ... sufficient
5 ... unsatisfactory
6 ... inadequate

Target profile

1 ... very high
2 ... high
3 ... medium
4 ... less important
5 ... unimportant
6 ... not relevant

Checklist 1 – Technical and methodological competencies / skills

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. Competencies at workplace
To handle tasks independently.
To use working materials (e.g. diagrams, technical instructions) properly.
To find and select information from various sources (e.g. library, internet).
To recognise arising problems.
To solve daily working problems.

b. Adaptation to job requirements
To assess requirements properly.
To develop new ideas or concepts to solve problems.
To implement new guidelines and directions.

c. Flexibility to job specifications
To adapt quickly to new working methods / technologies.
To carry out multi-task activities (e.g. perform tasks in parallel, work simultaneously on different projects, work on projects in different positions).
To be able of multi-skilling (e.g. can take different tasks, change position within the company, replace a colleague).

d. Contribution to high quality-level work
To adhere to the predefined times / deadlines..
To schedule the work / task to be carried out.
To meet internal quality standards.

e. ICT skills
To use hardware equipment (e.g. plotter, scanner, digital devices).
Be familiar with basic IT-knowledge (e.g. office programmes, e-mail, INTERNET, search engines).
Be familiar with specialised software (e.g. CAD, DBs, e-commerce).
To develop software programmes.

f. Language skills
Have the right skills in the mother tongue (e.g. spelling, grammar).
Have the adequate skills in foreign languages.

Checklist 2 – Social and communicative competencies / skills

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. Team-work skills
To participate actively in finding solutions to the problems at work.
To accept the opinions of others.
To share experience and knowledge with others (e.g. pass the information to others).

b. Communication skills
Be friendly and polite with customers / business colleagues.
To express clearly.
To dispose of presentation skills.
To communicate appropriately through different tools (telephone, e-mail, etc.).
To actively listen to others and asks questions.

c. Interpersonal skills
To formulate clear and convincing arguments.
Pick up on the thoughts of others.
Act as an informal leader.
To facilitate conflict resolutions.
To be able to accept critiques.

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