Working conditions conducive to learning
Working conditions conducive to learning are arranged in a way that they promote and demand learning processes. Thus the corresponding operational tasks should contain planning, preparation, completion, control and organisation.
Important for the promotion of learning:
Independence at work
Participation opportunities for the individuals
Complexity and variability of the activity
Communication and cooperation
Frequency and intensity of the feedback
Available information at the workplace
Example: Project work Facilitates the development of competencies if people can mobilize their different competencies in the projects, if the project contains something new beyond what has already been known and the acquired knowledge is systematically structured:
Choice of projects for competency development and determination of the time-frame
Definition of the requirements on the projects and the collaborators
Clarification of the competencies the collaborators shall acquire
Determination how the knowledge gained shall be documented and reflected
Example: Job rotation Facilitates the development of competencies when the operational contents are indeed different, there is a systematic sequence and interrelated knowledge can be gained:
Choice of activities to support competencies (depending on the scope of activity)
Clarification of the time frame and objectives of the job rotation
Agreement on the activity/function perspective for the workplace
Clarification of cost absorptions or capacity compensations between the "rotating divisions"
Example: Systematic exchange of experience Faciliates the development of competencies if an exchange of information and transfer of knowledge takes place, i.e. by visits from other enterprises, divisions or fields:
Choice of customers, suppliers, fields/divisions or fairs i.e. to learn new working and manufacturing procedures
Clarification on which exchange of experience is important for which collaborator or which activity
Determination of costs and expected results of the visits in a standardised form
Dissemination of the acquired knowledge to colleagues, e.g. in workshops
Example: Learning islands Support of decentralised learning directly at the workplace obviates the separation of working from learning:
Principle of partially autonomous teamwork
Integration of technology, organisation and people
Development of active vocational proficiency
Continual improvement process as an essential element
Embedding in the development of the complete enterprise
Support of a culture of self-critical reflection
Example: Self learning
Provision of suitable documentation, materials and working requisites
Consideration of which knowledge in which time frame should be acquired and how the acquisition of knowledge shall be reflected
Allowing sufficient temporal freedom
Application of the learned in the working routine
Documentation, exchange and reflection of the learning content e.g. with colleagues