Personal interviews
This example illustrates the approach to analyse training needs in a personal interview.
Analysis of needs in personal interviews
 Objectives and preparation of personal interviews The analysis of needs in the personal interview is quite time consuming but it offers two decisive advantages. The enterprise obtains an exact overview on the qualifications and lack of qualifications of individual employees. Moreover, individual development prospects show up clearly.
Some detailed information of the employees precedes the analysis of training needs. Here it is explained in which form the personal interviews are implemented, what purpose they serve and how the documentation is filled out. The use of the analysis of needs and the scope of the anticipated qualification measures are explained to the employees.
Conduct of personal interviews The conversation takes place in private between the supervisor and the employee. The supervisor explains briefly the aim and the itinerary of the analysis of needs and also attempts to build up a relationship of trust. Here it is especially relevant to intensely explain everything to employees who are attending a personal interview on training needs for the first time and who may be sceptical and mistrustful at the beginning.
In the case of lack of experience with systematic training, it must be accepted that such employees express little need for training. Here it is the task of the executive to point out development possibilities and ask about problems at work which can be possibly resolved by training.
Evaluation of the conversations and establishment of training plans The training needs are first thematically collated. This result is presented and discussed in the group talk. Concrete further training contents can then be defined.
Measure |
Number of employees |
Implementation |
EDP basics: Introduction to PC,MS Office, SAP |
By trained employees |
EDP special applications: Corel(photoshop),CAD-Software, operating software |
By trained employees |
Business basics, project management |
Internal further training offer |
Product knowledge |
By departmental managers |
Technical training at supplier |
External at supplier |
The control system for the analysis of further training needs A control system which provides a continuous, controlled sequence of analyses of needs, training and further education should be introduced into further training activities so that further training measures do not confine themselves to one-off events. The following aims should be accomplished with this control system:
- Further training should be carried out systematically and include the manufacturing staff.
- Further training even if conducted "on the job" should be documented and assessed on its learning success.
- Further training should target both the operational requirements and the wishes of the employees.