Adaptation to job requirements

The system provides some background information that is available on the toolkit and links to additional projects that might be interested for you!


European projects

New learning pathways for adults
The aim of this project, based on a cross-sectoral partnership is to provide an overview of lifelong learning strategies which encourage the adaptation and transfer of information and practice between formal and informal approaches and between different sectors of education and training and their associated professions.

Soft Skills
The project focuses on the implementation of personal key qualifications into the vocational qualification scheme in new EU countries.

This project elaborates key success factors of innovative organisations. These factors are taken into account for the design of an innovation manager skill card. This skill card allows managers to browse required skills, do a self assessment, and receive guidance.

Development of a European certificate for the management competences in small and medium-sized companies, acquired by professional further education and/or professional experiences.

European Co-operative University Network
Project funded by the European Program Leonardo da Vinci. This project follows the UCE Project, widening the range of its participants to other countries like Spain. United Kingdom, Romaine and Lithuania. It aims to deepen the resources to education and training to social entrepreneurship.

Parceria 3C
The main objective is to search and implement ways for support and promote the qualification of the social economy organisations