Use of the competencies needed for tasks at workplace

The system provides some background information that is available on the toolkit and links to additional projects that might be interested for you!


European projects

The ProfilPASS helps identify and document individual skills and competencies regardless of how and where they are acquired. It stimulates people to intensively analyse their own actions and helps them become more aware of the personal strengths and weaknesses. Knowing one’s own strengths is useful when

  • planning continuing vocational education and training,
  • preparing to (re-)enter working life,
  • occupational and personal (re-)orientation and
  • planning future learning.

EUFACINET - European Facilitators Network
The project EUFACINET is related with assisting, freeing, aiding, guiding and empowering learners in the learning process. On an individual as well as on the level of organisations running into challenges or problems and solving them through learning.

EU Project Manager
EU Project Manager training focuses on competencies for management of projects implemented according to regulations of European Union

Job relevant basic skills concepts and tools for groups facing particular challenges at the labour market

The aim of the WoLLNET Project is to research, trial and develop a web-based, user-friendly Toolkit to enable employers, providers and unions to evaluate the impact of workplace basic skills training programmes on learning and individual and organisational performance.