A. Strategy towards provision of training and competencies development
The red traffic light indicates that you have not yet implemented sufficiently in your organisation an overall strategy for the development of your employees’ competences. The TSESME toolkit can provide you with information on how to establish such a strategy. |
The traffic light related to the importance of the development of competence shows yellow what indicates that there is awareness about the importance of competences development and training but that there could be improvements in terms of implementation and integration of competences development in the organisation. The TSESME tools and documents could be a valuable contribution. |
The company considers the development of competencies as important therefore the traffic light in this section shows green. This indicates that further training and competence development is integrated in your organisational culture and that you are aware of the importance of human resources development. |
Further recommendations
The TSESME toolkit has identified a need for further activities and recommends to check the following sections of the toolkit:
“strategic orientation and decision making”
“organisational atmosphere and environment”
“planning, review and assessment”
B. Provision of incentives to encourage performance and skills improvement
The red traffic light indicates that your organisation does not provide incentives to encourage improvement of performance or that the system you are using is not as effective as it could be. Therefore, we suggest you to have a look at the following recommendations that describe different incentives you can provide to your employees. |
Your responses in this part of the questionnaire indicate that incentive systems exist in your organisation but that could be further improved. The TSESME tools and documents could be a valuable contribution. |
Your responses indicated that your organisation provides incentives to your employees to improve their individual performance through the acquisition of further training and also that your employees are motivated to improve their skills and competencies and think and act innovatively. |
Further recommendations
The TSESME toolkit has identified a need for further activities and recommends to check the following sections of the toolkit:
“tasks related incentives”
“financial incentives”
“managerial incentives”
C. Activities conducive to learning at the workplace
Your responses indicate that the tasks carried out by your employees are not conducive towards the further enhancement of their skills and tasks. The TSESME toolkit provides tools and methods to help you work out this situation. |
The traffic light shows yellow which indicates that workplaces and the entrepreneurial culture allow learning in the workplace, but this could be further enhanced. The TSESME tools and documents could be a valuable contribution. |
The green traffic light indicates that working conditions in your organisation are motivating employees to pursue informal and formal learning at the workplace. |
Further recommendations
The TSESME toolkit has identified a need for further activities and recommends to check the following sections of the toolkit:
“initiatives pursued by the collaborators“
“initiatives pursued by management”
D. Collaboration and flow of information within the organisation
The responses in this questionnaire show that there is room for improvement of the level of collaboration between the employees and the processes / media used for these purposes. Try the TSESME toolkit to get some ideas on how to improve collaboration. |
The yellow traffic light indicates that collaboration at the workplace is seen as important and/or that issues are addressed. The TSESME tools and documents could be a valuable contribution. |
The green traffic light indicates that there is a collaborative climate in the organisation and that the teams are able to communicate efficiently. |
Further recommendations
The TSESME toolkit has identified a need for further activities and recommends to check the following sections of the toolkit:
“collaboration between employees”
“collaboration between employees and management”
“flow of information”
E. Important Training Subjects
General training related to our field of work |
Task specific vocational training |
Strategic planning |
Management |
Leadership |
Project management |
Social competences and conflict management |
Organisational development |
Human resources management |
Financing / access to financing supports |